Problems at work?

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Problems at work


What happens if you feel that you have not been treated properly? Perhaps, disciplinary action has been taken against you but you don’t know why, or you are facing a disciplinary hearing but don’t know what you need to do to ensure your voice is heard.


Have you been told you are not performing to the standard expected of you, and that you need to go through the capability procedure, without telling you what you are doing wrong or clearly identifying what steps you need to take in order to meet the grade?


Maybe you have told your employer that you are being bullied, or that you are being discriminated against, but nothing has been done about it, or you have kept it to yourself because of a fear that it will not be taken seriously or due to a concern that it will make things difficult. Perhaps  you find yourself in one of the situations referred to above  but don’t know where to turn.

Whatever issue you are facing, we are here to provide advice that is tailored to your needs. We work exclusively in the areas of HR and employment law. We offer a full range of services from providing advice relating to grievances to Employment Tribunal representation.

To discuss your needs, and the ways in which we can help, call us on 020 3923 8616 or email us on 020 3923 8616.




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