Join Plotkin & Chandler

Membership | Benefits of joining | Signup


Independent ‘Premium Employment Cover’ for individuals

Work is a journey that lasts the best part of a lifetime. Like most long journeys there will be a few bumps in the road. No sensible person embarks on a long road trip without insurance and breakdown cover. So why tackle a lifelong employment journey without professional support and protection?

Plotkin & Chandler’s ‘Premium Employment Cover’ provides our Members with independent support and protection – whenever they need it and how ever often they need it.

If you face a grievance hearing, disciplinary action or a performance-related issue at work, our expert advisors will give you instant, practical advice. If you are the victim of workplace discrimination we will support you. If your case goes to Tribunal we will provide you with full legal support.

Plotkin & Chandler Limited is a claims management company regulated and authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority. We have expertise in all aspects of employment law and regularly provide Employment Tribunal representation.

‘Premium Employment Cover’ costs just £15 a month. As an individual Member you will benefit from


Telephone advice from our friendly experts


Face-to-face support; UK-wide


Unrestricted access to independent employment law advice


Unlimited support through grievance and disciplinary procedures


Employment Tribunal representation


Individual solutions as an alternative to trade union membership

Remember, the £15 monthly fee for ‘Premium Employment Cover’ is all inclusive. As a member you pay no extra fees, regardless of the services and support we provide.

Here’s an example of the support available through our employment protection membership scheme

Louise’s story – Member of Our Employment Protection Scheme

Louise had been with the same employer for years and had not experienced any issues but had joined our employment protection scheme for peace of mind.

 Unfortunately, Louise’s work and life were turned upside down when a new person joined her team and started bullying her. Every day when her alarm went off, and she realised she was going to have to face the snipes and nastiness all over again, she felt hopeless and anxious and all she wanted to do was stay cocooned in her bed.

At work her job performance was suffering as she couldn’t concentrate and had begun to isolate herself, so she didn’t have to see her bully any more than she had to

Louise’s family noticed the change in her personality and after prompting she told them what was going on and how miserable she was. That’s when her Dad reminded her about the Plotkin and Chandler scheme and she contacted us for help.

When Louise contacted us, we took the time to listen to her concerns and initially we helped her lodge a grievance. Unfortunately, this didn’t resolve the problem. We then reviewed all the documentation so that we had the fullest understanding of the situation and Louise’s allegations. We believed that Louise had a case to make a claim against her company for not dealing with the matter appropriately. That’s when we drafted a claim on her behalf.

We handled all aspects of the process and ultimately, we represented Louise at a Tribunal and her case was successful.

Louise has now left the company and has started a new role where she is much happier

Sign up for ‘Premium Employment Cover’ today or call 020 3923 8616 to discuss Membership and unlimited support with one of our friendly advisors.

Benefits of joining

*Who are Plotkin & Chandler?

Plotkin & Chandler Ltd is an independent company of legal experts that offers ‘Premium Employment Cover’ to workers across the UK in exchange for a monthly membership fee. For just £15 a month, Members receive unlimited telephone support, assistance with correspondence, and representation at an Employment Tribunal if the need arises. Our Members pay for future peace of mind. Unlike trade unions that provide some of the same services, we do not get involved in strikes or collective bargaining. We are not political, and our sole aim is to provide the best possible support to our individual members.


Key Benefits


We focus on advice


As we are not a union, we are not involved in collective bargaining or striking. All that we are concerned with is ensuring that our members receive high quality advice when they need it, which enables members to make choices which are right for them. Everyone is different and we ensure that those views and preferences are always taken into account.


We are accessible


Legal advice is often seen as expensive and confusing. We want our members to feel comfortable about calling us – that is why ‘Premium Employment Cover’ Members can call an unlimited number of times at no extra cost. There are also no restrictions on call length: it takes as long as it takes.


We are inclusive


From Aberdeen to Aberystwyth and from Newcastle to Newquay, we offer support to Members across the UK in every sector of the UK economy, including manufacturing, construction, services, education, agriculture, hotels and restaurants.


We respond swiftly 


We provide everything from advice on employment contracts to Employment Tribunal representation. As everything is typically done by us it is possible for us to provide you with a decision quickly, such as the prospects of success of a potential claim. Providing a full range of services in house also means that you may well be supported by the same person from beginning to end, and therefore you will never feel as if you are going around in circles.



‘Premium Employment Cover’ costs just £15 a month. As an individual Member you will benefit from

Membership includes:


Telephone advice from our friendly experts


Face-to-face support; UK-wide


Unrestricted access to independent employment law advice


Unlimited support through grievance and disciplinary procedures


Employment Tribunal representation


Individual solutions as an alternative to trade union membership

Remember, the £15 monthly fee for ‘Premium Employment Cover’ is all inclusive. As a member you pay no extra fees, regardless of the services and support we provide.

Individual membership is £15 per month.

Family membership (which includes working family members that live in the same household) is £30 per month.

A summary of the terms and conditions of our membership scheme can be found at our terms and conditions page

* Plotkin & Chandler Limited is a claims management company. We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in respect of regulated claims management activity. Our Firm Reference Number is 834469.

Please complete the form below to start the signup process.

Step 1 of 4

To become a member of Plotkin & Chandler please complete the contact info above and draw your signature at the bottom of our terms and conditions.

Membership Terms and Conditions of Plotkin & Chandler Ltd

We are Plotkin & Chandler Ltd
Registered Office:
Nexus Business Centre
6 Darby Close

Company registration number: 10252670

1. Our contract with you

1.1 These are the terms and conditions on which we supply services to you. By using services from us you are accepting our terms and conditions.

1.2 These terms and conditions relate to our subscription services for individuals. Other services are subject to different and individualised terms, which depend on the circumstances and the nature of the agreement between us.

1.3. Payment in itself does not constitute membership. This will occur when you have been sent your unique identification number and confirmation of your membership. At that time our terms and conditions become binding upon you and us.

1.4 We reserve the right to suspend or discontinue your membership if you fail to, or are unwilling to provide us, with information that is necessary to progress your case, or to establish when the matter requiring assistance occurred. If incorrect or incomplete information is given we may make a reasonable charge to cover the costs of extra work associated with the delay. Suspending your membership is a last resort and we will work with you in order to try and resolve the situation as soon as possible. However, we will not be liable for any delay or non performance when you have not provided information that we have asked for. The most likely reason for discontinuation of your membership is when it is established that the matter requiring assistance occurred prior to the commencement of your membership, as pre-existing issues are not included within the membership fee.

1.5. Please provide us with your unique identification number in any correspondence or communications between us.

2. Changes to services, registration or terms

2.1. We may vary, revise, add to or reduce the services provided by us from time to time, and/or these terms at any time, by amending the page and/or the descriptions of the services detailed on the website. We will notify you of any material change to the services in writing. If we make a material change to our services, and you conclude that as a result of that change our services no longer meet your needs, you are entitled to cancel your membership at no charge.

3. Services

3.1 The cost of our membership fee is £15.00 per month for individual membership or £30.00 per month for family membership.

3.2 You are entitled to a 14 day cooling off period. You can cancel your membership at any time during the cooling off period and any charges you have incurred during that period will be refunded to you in full. It is not possible to access our services during the cooling off period unless you email us stating that you wish to waive your right to a cooling off period in order to access our services at that time. In order to notify us of your decision to waive the cooling off period, please email us at

3.3 You are entitled to cancel your membership with us at any time. However, if you have used our services, and cancel your membership before a 12 month period has elapsed, we would charge you a cancellation fee of £60.00 an hour which would be capped at the cost of the remaining membership period. This 12 month membership period would apply in every year that you use our services.

For illustrative purposes here are three different ways in which our policy may affect you:

Example One
If you cancel your membership with us after four months having used no services from us, you would pay no cancellation fee and would not be liable for any further membership charges.

Example Two
If you cancel your membership with us after four months having used one hour of our services (which is valued at £60 an hour). Your cancellation charge will be £60 and you pay no further membership charges.

Example Three
If you cancel your membership after four months having used ten hours of services, your cancellation charge would be £120 as, although the value of the work done on your behalf would be £600, your bill would be capped at the cost of the remaining membership period.

3.4 The membership period runs for a 12 month period from the date you first joined. Memberships renew automatically. However, you will be emailed prior to the renewal date to remind you that your membership is due to be renewed. Any requests to cancel should be made prior to the renewal date either by telephoning us on 020 3923 8616, or by emailing us at Once we have received your cancellation request we will confirm that request either by a letter to you or by email. If you do not receive confirmation of your request to cancel your membership within two weeks of your request please telephone us as we did not reply because we did not receive your cancellation request.

3.5 We will offer support throughout your employment journey and can be contacted by telephone on 020 3923 8616 or via email at

3.6 We offer an extensive range of services within the membership fee. Services include, but are not limited to, advice on disciplinary, grievance and performance. Where appropriate we will assist with the preparation of the necessary paperwork and correspondence. If it is not possible to resolve the matter internally, and if we deem the case to have a reasonable prospect of success, we will draft the documentation for an Employment Tribunal. We will assist you at every stage of the process: The first step is to lodge a grievance setting out to your employer what you believe has been done wrongly. We are able to draft grievance letters for you based on the information you have provided to us. If this does not improve the situation, and we believe such action is justified, we will notify ACAS, on your behalf, of your intention to bring an Employment Tribunal claim. If that does not resolve the situation, and we continue to believe the case has a reasonable prospect of success, we will submit a claim to the Tribunal detailing your case and an indication of what is sought by way of compensation. We will continue to act for you at every stage unless we come to the conclusion that your case no longer has a reasonable prospect of success. As your case progresses it may be necessary for you to give evidence at the Employment Tribunal. We will advise at regular intervals of the prospects of success, what action is required from you and what steps we will be taking on your behalf. In the event that we believe that your case does have reasonable prospects of success, we will represent you at an Employment Tribunal if such action becomes necessary.

3.7 We, at our absolute discretion, decide whether the case has a reasonable prospect of success and therefore whether the matter should be progressed to an Employment Tribunal. We will make the decision based on the information that has been provided to us. We will notify you of the prospects of your case at regular intervals.

3.8 It is your responsibility to notify us, as soon as possible, of any facts, circumstances or issues arising in respect of which you may need services from us. Failure to do so may affect the assistance available to you.

3.9 We aim to provide you with the best possible support. We do not limit the amount of times you can contact us within your membership fee and do not restrict the amount of time available to you. We are committed to ensuring your matter runs smoothly and that you are updated regularly. In circumstances when you disagree with the advice and/or recommendation we have made to you we reserve the right to no longer advise you in relation to that particular issue within your membership fee.

3.10 We are unable to offer representation or assistance (including legal advice) in respect of facts and circumstances which arose before you subscribed to us within your membership fee. If such circumstances exist, you should notify us of any such circumstances as soon as possible following registration. In circumstances where there is a pre-existing matter that you require assistance with we are happy to discuss alternative funding options. In such circumstances, we advise you of the ways we can help and the likely costs involved. This information will be provided prior to any money being requested from us, so that you are able to make an informed decision as to how best to proceed. If you would like assistance with a pre-existing issue please contact us on 020 3923 8616 or email us at We have separate terms and conditions for matters that fall outside of our membership option, and we will not request any money from you until you have read and signed those terms and conditions.

3.11 We reserve the right to use the services of other suitably qualified organisations in respect of your case where we deem it is appropriate to do so. Wherever possible we aim to include the cost of third party fees within your membership fee, and will point out to you when this is and when it is not possible. When it is necessary to use the services of a third party to progress your case we will make a recommendation to you providing details of the individual or firm concerned, their role, why their involvement is deemed to be appropriate in the circumstances and any next steps. If there are additional costs to you as a result of the work of a third party we will advise you of the costs involved prior to those costs being incurred by you. Your consent will be gained prior to such fees being incurred. If you wish to instruct a third party that we did not recommend, or to follow a course of action which is contrary to our advice to you, you are entitled to do so but any such costs will not be paid by us.

3.12 Any cost relating to our time is included within your membership fee. We reserve the right to reclaim third party costs from you. Such third party fees may include, but are not limited to, medical reports, compromise agreement fees or insurances. Where these charges apply, in addition to membership fees, we will notify you of this in writing prior to the costs being incurred and gain your consent prior to those costs being charged to you. In the event that your case is unsuccessful, there may be other costs to you apart from your membership fee. As stated above, those costs do not relate to our time but we will advise you in advance of any charges so that you are able to make an informed decision as to how best to proceed.

3.13 We will handle your case throughout. In circumstances where an offer of settlement is put forward we will inform you of the situation as soon as possible and will advise you whether or not the offer is reasonable. We will not accept an offer on your behalf without your approval. However if you decline an offer which we believe was in your interests to accept, we reserve the right to withdraw from the case and no longer act for you.

3.14 In the event that your claim is successful we will not take any of your award as payment. The only circumstances where there may be a deduction is where there has been an agreement between us that you will meet certain third party fees.

3.15 We are not connected with any organisations that provide funding to pursue a claim and we do not offer such services ourselves.

3.16 If you cease to subscribe to our services or your subscription is suspended, including if the services are suspended for failure to pay, we will not, unless we confirm to you otherwise in our absolute discretion, be able to assist you with any further legal advice or support during such suspension or after you cease to subscribe to our services. This applies even if you are seeking help with an issue that dates back to the time when you had an active subscription to our services.

3.17 Subject to consent by your employer, we will arrange representation at grievance and disciplinary hearings, including appeals. However, whilst we would seek to provide such representation, we cannot guarantee that it will be available or permitted as this falls outside the scope of the Employment Relations Act 1999.

3.18 You agree to notify us, as soon as possible, in writing, of any circumstances or facts that may have an impact on your subscription.

3.19 Plotkin & Chandler Ltd is regulated and authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our Firm Reference Number is 834469.

3.20 In the event, that there is an issue with our services please tell us as soon as possible by contacting us on and give us the
opportunity to rectify the situation.

3.21 Nothing in these terms and conditions affect your statutory rights.

4.The Website

4.1 The website is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. We reserve the right to alter the content of the website as we see fit and make no warranties as to its fitness for a particular purpose or the accuracy of that content.

4.2 The content on the website is offered for information purposes only. It is not intended to constitute advice and it should not be relied upon.

5. General

5.1 Each of our terms and conditions exist independently, meaning that if any terms are deemed to be unenforceable the remainder will continue to be in force.

5.2 These Terms are governed by English law. You and we both agree to submit to the English courts.

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