Return to work meetings – an overview

Return to work meetings – an overview

Although many of us may have heard of return to work meetings (or back to work meetings) employees and employers are often confused about what the purpose of a return to work meeting is and the benefits that return to work meetings have for both the employee and the...
What is a COT3 agreement?

What is a COT3 agreement?

This blog aims to answer the question ‘what is a COT3 agreement?’ We also consider when COT3 agreements could be used and the advantages of alternative dispute resolution. A COT3 agreement is a legally binding document that represents a settlement reached between the...
What are consultation meetings?

What are consultation meetings?

What are consultation meetings? Consultation meetings are required when employees are at risk of redundancy. The purpose of the consultation process is essentially to inform the employee of the situation: that their role (and other roles if applicable) is at risk of...
What does a phased return to work mean?

What does a phased return to work mean?

What does a phased return to work mean? We may think we know what a phased return is, but what does a phased return to work mean? A phased return to work is an arrangement which is agreed between an employee and their employer. It is typically used after a long...
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